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Home Category Police Shields


Police Shields

100+ 5 Star Reviews


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Compatible With:

Standalone Ace Permissions QBCore vRP ESX QBX okokNotify

about the resource

Police Shields is great addition to any police department on your server, adding eight realistic police shields for use in different situations from firearm deployments to public order incidents. These will ultimately enhance the abilities of your police department, allowing them to both create better roleplay but also handle incidents in a safer and more efficient manner.

resource features

Easily use a police shield - Simply running a command will allow you to start using a police shield and you can pick between the four available choices, all for a range of scenarios.

Four Shields - We’ve included four custom shield models, created exclusively by our 3D modelling team for this resource.

Works with vehicles - We've seen other shield resources glitch out when the player enters a vehicle. We've made sure this shouldn't happen with our resource.

Blocks bullets - Our shields can block bullets as they have collision enabled. You can disable this in the configuration file.

Permission Checks - You can easily add permission checks or integrate this into a framework such as vRP, QBCore or ESX.

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featured resources

Police Grappler


Bomb Disposal Robot
