Police Grappler
Mobile Spike is an amazing tactic for police pursuits, allowing you to install a dynamic spike strip onto your vehicle for use in high-speed chases. Forget the old days of laying down spike strips and lying in wait as Mobile Spike can be deployed with just the touch of a button, bringing fleeing vehicles to a quick and effective stop.
Easily Deploy - After setting up the mobile spike onto the vehicle, you can deploy it from inside the vehicle at the click of a button.
Effective Stop - The tool aims to burst a tyre of the target vehicle by puncturing it using the mobile spikes during a high speed pursuit, bringing it to a quick and effective stop.
Custom Props - We've had these props custom made for the resource, with realism in mind.
Highly Configurable - This resource is highly configurable and many aspects of the resource can be modified for your server.
Discord Logging - Easily setup your webhook in the config file to allow Discord logging of everything related to the grappler.